How to get started with Bondage when life seems grey

How to get started with Bondage when life seems grey

Bondage Pleasure SetThinking of trying a little dominance and bondage play in the bedroom?  The worldwide success of the erotic 50 Shades of Grey novels and movie adaption has opened the door on the secret fantasies of many people. Have you ever fantasized about being tied up or blindfolded during sex? Perhaps you daydream about spanking your partner, restraining them in bondage or having them as a submissive at your feet. Not long ago, secret cravings like this were taboo, but thanks to media attention via books and movies, they aren’t anymore.

Couples who are thinking about bondage play and other forms of BDSM may find it’s more comfortable both physically and emotionally to start out small. First, consider what types of kink you’re into. Is it just bondage? How about pain-play like spanking or flogging. Maybe you crave to play roles of dominance and submission? Honest, open communication is key before you even get started. But once you and your partner have agreed on the type of play you’d like to try, think about accessories to help make your fantasies come true.

The Bondage Pleasure Set is a complete erotica kit that offers pieces to use now, and as your exploration of kink grows. It includes a velvet clap paddle, nylon bull whip with velvet handle, velvet collar with leash, velvet handcuffs, and a velvet eye patch cover.

Sensory manipulation is a nice place to start if you’re new to erotic play. The velvet eye patch slips gently over the eyes, creating heightened anticipation in the wearer of touch, smell and taste. Take it one step further by using light bondage with the velvet-covered handcuffs and cuffing your partner’s hands behind her back. The reduction in your partner’s ability to see and touch brings increased awareness and craving of your touch, and can increase simple pleasures like your fingers running down his spine, or deeper sensations, such as during oral sex.

Bondage Pleasure Set

Couples experienced in erotic play may want to go a little further. The introduction of pain is a sexual stimulant for many people. The included velvet covered bull whip which can be used to bring varying degrees of pain—from light to intense—as it’s whipped over your partner’s body area of choice. If you’re new to pain play, use the whip lightly and increase intensity as your partner indicates she’s ready. The velvet clap paddle is perfect for experimenting with erotic spankings. As with any form of kink, be sure you know specifically what your partner is up for before you dive in—and then reap the pleasurable rewards!

Bondage Pleasure Set

Dominance play allows one partner to have consented control over the other. Both men and women enjoy being dominant or submissive. Handing over complete control of their sexual pleasure to a partner is very freeing for some people. Each piece in the Bondage Pleasure Set may be used with dominance and submission play, but the included velvet collar and leash offer the ultimate in control. Place it on a willing partner and let your erotic imagination free.

Whether a novice or experienced in role play, this set is a fun and exciting addition to your toy box. Now that the taboo is gone, spice up your sex life and go see just how much fun, and pleasure, you can have!  You can get your very own Bondage Pleasure Set from today and kick start some spice into your life!

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