How you could make a naughty confession when it comes to your needs

Naughty Confession

Do you have a secret yearning, a naughty confession you would love to make? But are you afraid to make that confession, wondering if your partner will laugh at you or think of it as silly? If so, you are not alone. Most adults have secret fantasies that they never share. But why live your life without exploring more of what you desire?

Adult toys were once taboo, even though they have been available and used since the paleolithic era. Yes, a carved stone dildo was the first sex toy for man. So why are we all so afraid of our desires after thousands of years? Can’t we all just admit to our wants and needs, so that “dirty thought” can become better sex?

How to Make a Naughty Confession

realistic dildoIf your confession is a secret desire, there are a multitude of ways you can integrate that desire into conversation or another private moment when you feel safe and even a bit brave.

For example, you can bring up what you want:

  • During a game of “truth or dare,” perhaps over some wine on a playfully romantic evening
  • As things heat up in the bedroom, with the lights off when your partner is particularly receptive to intimate conversation
  • In an episode of shared secrets, with each of you sharing progressively more intimate details
  • By buying the accessories or adult toys associated with your desire, then revealing those in a moment of playful passion
  • As whispers in your partner’s ear, first by asking what their fantasies are
  • On a gifting holiday, when you mutually agree to give “spicy” adult toy gifts representing your fantasies
  • By exploring sexy movies together on premium channels or through on-demand programming during a late night of couch cuddling
  • When exploring an adult toy website together like, each pointing out things you would like to try

As you can see, there are many ways to bring up the subject of your secret desires. You just have to get over your own fear and realize that the worst that can happen is your partner rejects the idea at first. But the seed will be planted and he or she will likely give it more thought over time, even changing their mind in the future.

Your Naughty Confession Is Likely Not that Naughty, After All

If you think about it for a moment, what could you possibly confess that hasn’t likely been seen by your partner on the Internet or as part of movies? After all, recent films have explored some pretty deep subjects of sexual exploration. Mainstream media and pop culture have pretty much made every last confession there is to make.

You just have to ensure making your desires come true does not degrade, humiliate or hurt your partner. If approached correctly, the person who loves you likely wants to share more of each other together. Besides, your loved one probably has more than one secret desire of their own.

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