How to stay rash free with Coochy pussy shaving cream

How to stay rash free with a fantastic pussy shaving cream

Ladies, let’s face it. We all want sexy, smooth skin when it comes time to strip it down for our partner. Nothing sets the mood quite like the feel of bare, silken, excitement and heat-flushed skin. The problem? The skin of your pubic area is sensitive, and often, shaving results in red bumps, rash or irritated skin. Not so sexy! There are a couple tricks to proper pussy shaving, and it starts with quality shave crème. Having a proper shave crème makes all the difference between a perfect, smooth shave and angry skin!

If you’re not accustomed to shaving your pubic area and bikini line, it may take a couple of tries before you’ve got the process down. The more you shave, the more acclimated your skin will become. A nourishing shave crème, like Coochy Shave Crème helps protect skin during the pussy shaving process by moisturizing, and prevent ingrown hairs and rash. The result is skin so smooth, you won’t be able to keep your own hands off your skin! Without a good shave crème, your skin may not have enough protection against your razor blade to prevent irritation, and you’ll want to cover up more than you take off.

Not sure if you want to shave completely bare or maybe just do a little manicuring down below? When you’re armed with the best shave crème, it’s no problem to do a little experimenting with your pussy shaving. Perhaps you’d like to shave all of your pubic area save for a small strip of hair down the middle of your pubic bone. Great! Later, if you decide to go completely hairless, you’ll have the perfect crème to help you get the job done beautifully.

Coochy Shave Crème Oh So Original - 8oz - Pussy ShavingBefore you start using this pussy shaving cream, it’s important to trim your pubic hair as close to your skin as you can. The shorter hair length means you’ll have to run the razor over your skin less, reducing the chance of rash. Once you’ve trimmed your hair (be careful!), take a warm bath or shower for at least fifteen minutes. You may also place a warm, wet cloth over your pubic area. This helps soften coarse pubic hair and makes it easier to remove. Then, apply a generous amount of Coochy Shave Crème to the desired areas, and shave. Make sure your razor is brand new and sharp. A used or dulled razor is just begging to irritate your delicate skin! Newbies to pussy shaving may want to shave bikini and intimate areas once every three days to allow your skin time to adjust. Then, you can move up to a daily shave if you desire. Coochy Shave Crème soothes and softens so well, it makes daily shaving a breeze, and some women find they can even skip a full day of shaving. This crème can be used on other areas of the body as well—legs, underarms will all be smooth and sexy after a shave.

Coochy Shave Crème moisturizes as you shave, but some women need a little extra afterward. Use your favorite moisturizer to your newly shaved areas for extra softness!

Coochy Shave Crème is specially formulated with skin-loving ingredients. Available in an 8 oz. bottle.  If you enjoyed this review of the Choochy pussy shaving cream and want to treat yourself after a clean shave, you can read about how the Gold Treatment with the Gold Package might be just what you’re looking for.

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